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12 Outdoor Must Have Tools Every Home Owner Needs

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Owning your own home is exciting and allows you to put your personality into it, this includes the outside landscaping.  This is the first thing people will see when they come to your new home.  Here are the 12 tools that you need to keep your yard looking amazing.

  1. Lawn Mower

This is the most important tool that you need to keep your yard maintained if you have grass.  A nicely manicured lawn makes a huge difference in the appearance of your home.  There are so many varieties of mower these days.  You can choose from:

  • An old school push mower
  • A gas mower
  • An electric mower that you plug in
  • A battery operated mower
  • A ride on Mower
  • Robotic Mower

Basically it comes down to how much lawn you have and what your budget is.  If you have a small yard your not going to go out and buy a $3000 ride on lawn mower, or if you have an acre of land your not going to buy an electric mower you need to plug in.  Do your research and find the best type of mower that will do what you need it to do and get the job done right and efficiently.

2. Edger

An edger is not a shovel! This is a tool that you use to create straight edges for gardens or grass areas, and clean up the boarders for a clean and finished look.  You can get just a simple manual edger as in the picture above or you can get ones that you push with a wheel or even electric ones.  This all depends on how much you are willing to spend and the jobs you are going to be doing with it.

3. Leaf Rake

Raking leaves can be a pain but it is necessary in order to keep your lawn healthy, which is why this tool is on this list. Removing leaves reduces the amount of a leaves that could be harboring diseases that can affect your trees, plants and grass. Keeping a thick layer of leaves on your lawn can delay the growing process by preventing sunlight from getting to it, which is essential to creating strong roots.  Just like so many other tools, there are many varieties of rakes on the market.  You need to decide what works best for you and your needs, as it depends on the materials your rake will come in contact with for example; rocks or soil. You don’t need a fancy rake if all you need is to remove leaves off your lawn, just a standard medal or plastic rake will do the trick.

4. Leaf Blower

This tool is great not just for leaves but for removing dirt off your driveway and removing those pesky grass clippings from your gardens. Who wants grass to grow in their garden!  When it comes to leaves there are always those tight, hard to reach spots that a rake does not reach, this is where this handy tool comes in or you can use it to do the entire job if you desire.  You can get either gas powered or electric depending on your needs.  This is a huge time saver and is highly recommended for any home owner!  You can also get blowers that will also suck up debris, which is great for xeriscape and rock areas.

5. Loppers

What are Loppers?

These are long handled tools that are used to cut through thicker branches.  They are a larger version of pruning shears, which allow you to reach farther and give you some more leverage.  They can cut through branches up to 2 inches in diameter, which is great for fruit trees and smaller tree branches.  If you have any sort of trees on your property this is a must have to ensure your trees do not get over grown. This tool can be heavy due to its size but you can get light weight aluminum or carbon-composite handles which will reduce the weight.

6. Pruning Shears

These are a must have when in comes to keeping your yard trimmed.  These are basically your outdoor scissors, allowing you to trim your plants and flowers, keeping your gardens looking their best.

7. Hoe

This is a must have for any gardener! This tool will save you your back as you can loosen the soil and remove weeds without having to bend over for hours.  Loose soil will allow plants to get oxygen and give roots room to grow.

8. Hand Garden Tools – Trowel & Fork

These are great little tools for the garden.  They are perfect for transplanting small plants, digging small holes and getting rid of weeds.  Getting hand tools that are made with stainless steel heads are the best choice as they are going to last you longer and will not rust.

9. Gloves

Gloves are so important in protecting your hands from damage.  You should get a heavy duty pair for when you are using your loppers and pruning shears to protect you from scrapes and cuts.  You should also have another pair for gardening, as working in the soil can take its toll on your hands.  You never know what may be lurking you soil!  Gloves are great when using equipment like lawn mowers and weed whackers as well as you can get blisters from the handle. Purchasing a pair of gloves that are puncture proof is a good idea as you may need to pull weeds that have thorns.  You can get all kinds of gloves that various in price range, but I would suggest getting a good solid pair of yard work gloves and garden gloves as you get what you pay for as far as quality.

10. Garden Hose with Sprinkler

This is pretty straight forward.  All your grass and plants need to be watered in order to keep them alive! Make sure you have enough hose length to be able to reach all the areas of your yard.  Ensure you have a nozzle that has various spray patterns and is good quality, to ensure it lasts you longer than a month.  It would also be a time saver to get a hose and nozzle for the front yard and a separate hose and nozzle for the backyard, as most houses have an outdoor water hook-up in the front and backyards.  Keeping your hose coiled neatly after use is ideal for the longevity of the hose.  It is always good to get a something to store your hose, and there are so many to choose from.  This comes down to personal preference as it can become a part of your outdoor decor.

11. Spade or Shovel

First what is the difference between a shovel and a spade? A shovel has a scooped and rounded head with a point at the end.  This is great for digging and breaking up the earth.  The scooped head is ideal for moving soil or other debris.  A spade on the other hand is is flatter and has a rectangles shape to it, and is great for gardens as it is more able to get into small spots. It is great for breaking up roots and trenching or even digging up areas where you need straighter edges. Many jobs require a shovel or spade, anything from simple debris removal to digging a hole for a new tree.  You just never know when you will need to dig something up or move something so always best to have one or both on hand.

12. Wheel Barrel

This may be at the bottom of the list but is no less important.  Doing any kind of yard work is made 10 times easier if you have a wheel barrel on hand! They are handy for transporting soil or debris from the yard to a vehicle to dispose of or to transport a plant to its new home in your yard.  No home is complete without a wheelbarrow on hand, they are the unsung hero’s of yard maintenance.


You don’t have to break the bank on each of these items but bear in mind you get what you pay for in quality.

Not comfortable doing your yard work on your own, or you do not have a specific tool to do the job needed…Look Out Landscaping Ltd and our amazing crew would love to give you a hand.

Give us a call and get a FREE quote

4 Lawn Care Hacks to Save You Money

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Who Doesn’t Love Saving Money!?

With these 5 easy lawn hacks you can not only save some cash but also have a lawn that looks beautiful.

Hack #1: Go Bagless!

The easiest way to save money is by mowing your lawn with out a bag.  Simply leave the grass clippings on the lawn and they will decompose, providing much needed nutrients.

Mulching your grass can return 25% of your lawns fertilizer needs, putting that money back into your pocket. 

You can do this with a regular lawn mower, but for the best results we suggest using a mulching mower, as it has multiple blades to cut up the grass much finer.  This method not only saves you money but time as well, since you do not have to bag up those pesky clippings and drive them out to the compost. Sounds like a win – win

Hack #2: DIY Aerating

Aerating your lawn is arguably one of the most important steps of creating a green and lush lawn.  The process allows oxygen and nutrients to get down to the deep roots, which creates healthy, strong grass.  While you can hire a professional or rent a machine to do the work for you, you can save the money, if you are willing to put in some manual labor.  Simply use a pitch fork or even a kitchen fork to poke holes in your lawn.

Obviously the smaller the tool the longer it will take you to get the job done. 

If you have a large lawn you can focus on the areas that get compacted to most, such as, areas near footpaths and steps.  You want to get as deep as possible in order to get the nutrients as far down to the roots as possible.  If you are willing to spend a little bit of money you can pick up some shoes with spikes on the bottom that you can just walk over your lawn, which would save you time.

Hack #3: Make Your Own Fertilizer

There are many different ways that you can fertilize  your lawn that will help it to be greener and more lush but not break the bank.  But the easiest and cheapest way is with used coffee grounds… yes you heard that right!

Coffee grounds are a great source of nitrogen, phosphorus and other trace minerals that are key in getting a thick and greener lawn.  Not only are the coffee grounds good for the grass but the earthworms love it. Earthworms help increase the nutrient availability, create better drainage and promote a more stable soil structure, so the earthworms will eat up the coffee grounds and help fertilize your soil.  So after you have had your cup a joe, save the grounds and just toss them evenly on your lawn, it is that easy! The earthworms will dig it into the soil.

***Don’t drink coffee, not a problem. Coffee shops like Starbucks have programs where you can pick up the used coffee grounds, so your not only helping your lawn but you are also helping the environment!

Check out the link below to learn more about how coffee can benefit your lawn and bank account!,minerals%20that%20coffee%20grounds%20contain.

Hack #4: Let it Grow, Let it Grow, Let it Grow!!

Cutting your lawn to short can cost you money.  How do you ask?  Well shorter grass needs more water and is more prone to weeds, in turn, removing those weeds would be an added expense that can be easily avoided by letting your grass grow a little longer, roughly 2.5 inches. 

**You should never remove more than 1/3 (one third) of the grass blade, this will to help your lawn retain moisture, which means less watering for you.  Longer grass chokes out weeds naturally so you will not have to spend more money on weed control and you will save time by not having to mow and water as frequently.

With the cost of pretty much everything around us going up, saving money has never been so important!

By following these 4 simple lawn care hacks you can save cash and even a little time.


If your not up for doing it yourself, Give us a call.


Get a FREE quote today!


Tips for Snow Removal

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Canadian Winters can be brutal when it comes to snow, and you either love it or hate it.  No matter what side of the fence you are on, when you have a few inches of snow on your driveway and you need to get to work, that white stuff needs to go!

It’s time to get back to the basics.  Here you can learn the do’s and do nots of shoveling.

Let’s start with what you need to keep your driveway clear and safe during the winter months

  1. Shovel
  2. Warm Clothes – always dress in layers!
  3. A Plan
  4. Ice Melt

Choosing a Shovel

How do you know what shovel to buy?

There are so many shovels on the market, just go to your local hardware store and it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the choices.  So how do you know which one to buy? Consider the following to ensure you have the right shovel for the job.

  1. Your shovel should be lightweight but durable
  2. The shaft should be strong and well built
    • bend shafts are easier for shoveling the snow but can make it more difficult for lifting snow
  3. The handle should come up to your chest – a shovel to short can strain your back and cause injury
    • wood and fibreglass handles are the best options as they are the most durable and light weight ( plastic can become brittle and metal is prone to rust)
  4. The blade should be rounded or scooped to help push the snow – best for loose snow
  5. Make sure the shovel is not to heavy for you to push and lift the now, so pick them up and get a feel for the weight
  6. Plastic, Metal or a combination is dependent on what your needs are and how the shovel feels.  Metal shovels tend to be heavier and used for more heavy duty jobs, while plastic ones are more lightweight and great for clearing the snow around your home.

Whatever shovel you decide to buy just make sure it feels comfortable, is durable and within your budget.

Dress Warm

One things many homeowners do is go outside to shovel the snow underdressed, underestimating amount of time it takes to get the job done properly. This can cause you to rush the shoveling job which can cause you to do a poor job and even cause injuries.

Make sure dress warm and in layers.  Layering up is so important as chances are you will be outside a while and you will get warmer the more you shovel.  As your body warms up you can take off layers to cool down but still be protected from the cold.  Don’t forget your gloves, hat and winter boots.  If you are dressed appropriately, then you will be comfortable and the daunting task of hand shoveling will be more enjoyable.

Make a Plan

Once it starts snowing do not wait until the snow has stopped to start shoveling. It is always best to go out a few times during the snow fall to prevent having to shovel large accumulations of snow which can result in injuries. Most people will start at one side of the driveway and push the snow to the other side and continue back and forth.  This is not the most efficient way to clear your driveway!

First you want to start at the top and clear a path down the middle to the bottom.  See image below:

Then you can go back to the top, and clear the the snow away from the middle; doing one side at at time.  This is much easier than pushing the snow the full width of the driveway.  This also allows you to spread out the snow piles on both sides of the driveway for a more even melt.


  1. Push the snow do not lift the snow as it is very heavy.
  2. If you do need to lift the snow use a smaller shovel and always lift with your legs not your back!
  3. Be observant of where you are piling the snow as you do not want to place the heavy snow on shrubs or plants.
  4. Make sure you keep fire hydrants, water drains and dryer vents clear of snow, as not clearing a dryer vent could lead to a fire.

Using a De-Icer

There are 2 main times in which you should apply de-icer:

  1. After snow has been shoveled
  2. To break up any ice build-up

Once you are done clearing the snow it is always a good idea to lay down a layer of a quality de-icer to get rid of the residual snow.  This will melt the remaining snow, which will prevent snow from compacting and becoming slippery, giving you more traction.

If you do find icy sections put down some quality de-icer to melt the ice.

The best option for de-icer is Calcium Chloride for 2 main reasons:

  1. Works at lower temperatures
  2. As long as not used in excessive amounts is not harmful to plants – Use in moderation

TIP: Once the de-icer starts to work, shovel away the slush to help minimize any damage to concrete.

Happy Shoveling! 


Pruning 101

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Here I will be talking about pruning:

  1. What is pruning
  2. Improper pruning
  3. Benefits of pruning
  4. When to Prune

The time has come to start making a plan on what you are going to be doing this season for landscaping. The first thing item that should be on your list should be Pruning.  It is critical that pruning be done right to avoid damaging or even killing your tree or plant. 

What is Pruning?

Lets start at the beginning! What is the actual definition of the word PRUNE. defines prune as the following:
                :to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth
                             //prune the branches
                : to cut away what is unwanted or superfluous
Here is the link to the website: 
The word superfluous simply means unnecessary. So all your doing when you prune is getting rid of the branches or parts of the tree or plant that are not needed. Sounds simply right! Just grab some shears and start cutting! THAT IS THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO!!!


    As mention above pruning takes skill and you can easily cause damage to you tree or plant if you do not know what you are doing.  Think of pruning a tree as the tree getting a haircut.  
Have you ever gone in to the hairdresser and received a BAD haircut! 😕 That is probably because the hairdresser did not have enough skill to cut your hair the way you wanted it. Well Pruners are just like hairdressers, if they are not skilled they can give your tree a “bad haircut”.   
How bad can it be?  I’m just cutting a few branches! 
I will say that even a couple of bad cuts can cause your tree/plant to either look bad or even damage it.  There is nothing more noticeable than a tree/plant that is has branches growing all funny and unbalanced.  
1. The first mistake is making a bunch of small cuts on the ends of the branches.  The main purpose of pruning is to create healthy new growth, so when you make a cut several new branches with grow where you cut.  So now you have cut the tips of the branches all over the tree/plant and now all that new growth will be out of control and look terrible. Large and strategic cuts are what is going to make your tree healthy and more fruitful.
A tree is a living thing and every time you cut into it, are causing a wound.  The more wounds you create the harder it is for your tree to heal from those wounds, and can cause your trees health to decline.
Many pests feed on trees and plants and by making it easier to get to the food source you are creating the perfect storm for a pest infestation which can kill your tree or plant!
2. The second mistake is simply not pruning at all. Sounds strange to say doing nothing with cause harm but it does.  You need to stimulate new growth to allow a tree to live a long life and produce vibrant colors.  If new growth is not encouraged then life span of the tree or plant will be cut short.

Benefits of Proper Pruning

Proper pruning will ensure that your tree or plant will encourage new growth and will be more fruitful. New growth is always the most vibrant, this will make your space look more appealing.
Having large heavy branches that are not pruned can fall, potentially causing damage you your property or to a person.
Properly maintained trees and plants can also increase the property value, and potential home buyers love a well cared for outside.  If the outside does not look good and appealing they are less likely to look at the inside.
It is always best to hire a professional so that you can get the most out of your tree or plant and to increase your property value!
They will know:
  • What branches need to be cut to encourage new growth
  • How many cuts to make
  • What branches are harming the trees growth
  • How to correct any damage caused by previous pruning

 When to Prune

Pruning is normally done in the early spring and late winter when the tree/plant is dormant.  This will allow the tree to better recover.
There is a great website from The Almanac that talks about the benefits of pruning while the tree/plant is dormant. I have dropped the link below:
Thank you for coming back to my page, I hope this information has been helpful

3 Steps To Wake Your Lawn Up For Spring

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Winter is tough on grass and snow is not only what causes the damage.  Your lawn will suffer from elements causing ice damage, snow mold and even the low temperatures can kill some of the grass.  The cold season also brings snow which piles up after each snow fall the weight can put stress on your lawn and compact the soil.   After a season of cold weather and snow your lawn will need a kick start in order to wake it up.  There are 3 steps that are important to do every spring to give your lawn its best chance to come back and reverse the winter damage.  These steps are:

  1. Aerate
  2. Power Rake
  3. Over Seed

Step 1: Aerate

Aerating is the first step to waking up your lawn and is arguably the most important.  This process is what allows air, water and nutrients to penetrate to the deepest part of the lawn.  In order to have a healthy lawn after its taken a beating from jack frost, is to ensure you feed the roots as deep as possible, and to decompress the soil.  Without the required elements the lawn will have shallow roots and the lawn can become patchy, be infiltrated with weeds or even die.

In the image above it shows how the aerate process works, so you can clearly see what a difference it makes having those deep air pockets. As mentioned above aerating also decompresses the soil, again aiding in getting those nutrients through out the soil to all the roots. With people walking on the lawn over the winter, as well as the weight of ice/snow the soil gets really compacted. This leaves less space for air and water to move freely thus feeding thus the roots will become shorter as they are starving for nutrients.  You want to make sure you are aerating every year, usually in March to start your lawn breathing and decompressing so that you can get max benefit from watering and fertilizing later on down the road.

Step 2: Power Rake

Many people will aerate and power rake or de-thatch at the same time to maximize the benefits of each service. Both work hand in hand to help promote deep root growth and decompress the soil. Every year your lawn accumulates a layer of grass stems, stolons and rhizomes(both living and dead). This layer sits on the top soil, and is called “thatching”.

You always want to have a layer of thatching to control the temperature of the soil and allow it to retain moisture, similar to what mulch does for your garden.  After the fall and winter that layer has built up and will continue to get thicker as the year progresses.  The ideal thatching thickness is 1/2 inch, once you start getting a thickness of more than 1 inch you can start running into problems with your lawn.  Some problems may include:

  1. Air, water and nutrients not able to get to the roots
  2. Insect infestations
  3. Lawn diseases
  4. Spongy lawn

To keep this layer to around 1/2 inch you will need to power rake your lawn after you aerate to get rid of the thick layer of thatching. This will keep the barrier between the thatching and top soil thin enough to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate to the deeper roots for a stronger, healthier lawn.  For power raking you do not want to use a regular leaf rake, as you want the rake to have strong, short prongs to pull up the thatch.  Your going to want to go slower with this to ensure you are grabbing the debris and not skipping over it.  Once you are done power raking you will want to grab your leaf rake and gather up all the thatching.

Power raking combined with the aerating will give your lawn a great foundation for a healthy lawn, as we all know everything needs to start with a solid foundation, which will help with your 3rd step over seeding.

Step 3: Over Seeding

Your lawn has more than likely suffered from ice damage during the winter and thus some of the grass may have died.  Once grass is dead you cannot bring it back to life, only grass that has gone dormant can be revived.  This will leave you with a patchy lawn and prone to insects and weeds.  You have already aerated and power raked the lawn to open up your lawn and get it ready to receive nutrients.  So now is the perfect time to over seed your lawn, which is sounds exactly like it sounds, you simply spread new grass seed over the entire lawn.  New grass seed needs frequent watering which makes spring the optimal time to do this, spring tends to bring more rain.

Some lawn care specialist have found that the lawn that is surrounding older homes have a variety of grasses that are not suitable for the current climate and are not durable enough for constant use.  Since the lawn is strained it is prone to disease and insects which will cause the lawn to turn brown and die.  Over seeding with a quality grass seed that is meant for area will ensure you have a thick and healthy lawn.

There are many benefits to over seeding such as:

  1. Reduces erosion
  2. Creates a think lawn that can retain nutrients
  3. Creates great curb appeal thus increasing your homes market value
  4. Prevents pests and disease

Choosing the right grass seed is very important, as some lawns get more sun than others and the season start and stop at different times.  The Scotts brand has so many great choices and can be picked up at any local home improvement store. I have listed a couple of grass seed suggestions that are available at Canadian Tire:

  1. For lawn that gets more shade: Scotts Turf Builder Quick + Thick Shady Mix
  2. For lawns that get mixed sun and shade: Scotts Turf Builder Quick + Thick Sun and Shade Mix
  3. For full sun lawns: Scotts Turf Builder Quick + Thick Sunny Mix

**Make sure that you water the lawn often when seeding.

After doing these 3 steps you are off and running to a beautiful green lawn.

Look Out Landscaping has a great lawn care grew and we can answer any questions you may have regarding these processes.

Give us a call at 250-376-2689 or visit our website at


Smile Campaign

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Join Look Out Landscaping on our Smile Campaign!

With everything that is going on in this crazy world we live in, we are so excited to launch our new campaign that will spread positivity and kindness! We are calling it the Smile Campaign and will be launched on Facebook.

What is the Purpose

This campaign is designed to spread kindness all over the world…That’s right THE WORLD! Through the magic of social media, people are now connected world-wide with the click of button.  The goal of this campaign is to take this ONE Facebook post and have it travel the entire globe!

How to join in 3 easy steps!

Step 1: Copy the URL into your browser:

Step 2: Comment on the post complimenting someone

Step 3: Share the post – So others can join in the fun!

Let’s see how far this happy face can travel 




Landscaping to Combat the Heat

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Summers are getting hotter every year, so why not use your landscaping to help you stay cool.

There are 2 main areas in which your landscaping choices can greatly benefit you in keeping you cooler: Grass and Trees.



Have you ever walked outside on the driveway only to find have your feet start burning, so you hop onto the grass to cool your feet?  We all know that pavement gets hot but did you know that grass on average stays 31 degrees cooler than concrete or asphalt! That is a huge difference and something that is relatively inexpensive to maintain. With soaring summer temperatures, a well maintained lawn will cool the space around it, keeping you cooler and giving your air conditioner a need break. Our trained team here at Look Out Landscaping has the knowledge of what summers are like in Kamloops and can help you get the lawn you want.  
    Not only is grass good for cooling the air, but it is important for environmentally.  With the growing concern of climate change we can use grass to help keep temperatures down. Grass absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen which is a huge benefit, but that is not all it does.  It absorbs all kind of pollutants that are in the air such as: dust and smoke. Grass takes in the heat and evaporates moisture back into the air, increasing the humidity thus lowering the air temperatures.
To properly maintain your grass and get the most out of it you need to water on a regular basis. You  need to water long enough that that the water get deep into the soil.  So watering less often for a longer period is the important. The deeper the water goes the deeper the roots creating a  strong and healthy lawn. You also want to make sure you are not cutting your grass to short, about 3 inches is a great length.
Having an irrigation system is the best way to get the correct amount of watering and saving you time.  Look Out Landscaping has a great team that can install, maintain and winterize your irrigation system and give you back your summer!



 What better way to beat the heat than to find a nice tree casting some shade.  Shade trees are great for giving you a place to sit and loose yourself in a good book in the summer, but they can also help keep your home cooler.  One well positioned deciduous tree can have the same cooling effect as 4 household air conditioners!!! Now that’s COOL!
Where you place these trees is very important. In the image below it shows where to plant your trees to get the maximum cooling of your home and yard.
I got this image from a YouTube video called, “How to Plant Trees to Cool Your Home.”  They talk about where to place your trees and the benefits. Below is a link to the full video:
So now you have the location picked out, what do you plant?
Well there a lot of options, and you want to make sure you are planting deciduous trees, as they are the best type of tree for creating shade, and a bonus is they drop their leaves in the winter to allow sunlight to get into the house to create warmth.  You should try to choose trees that are native to your area as this will give the tree the longest life span.  When considering what type of tree to plant think about your environment, if you are placing trees near a driveway fruit bearing trees would not be the best option.  There are 3 main types of trees that you can consider;
  • Flowering Trees
  • Fruit Bearing Trees
  • Weeping Trees
A great option for a flowering tree is the Red Buckeye:
Has vibrant green leaves and the pink flower are very pretty and eye catching
At full maturity it will be 10-20 Feet tall and have a spread between 10-20 Feet. This tree is also very hardy and can withstand hot temperatures.
 A wonderful fruiting tree option is a Damson Plum Tree.
This tree produces delicious purple/blue fruit.
At full maturity it will be 25-30 Feet tall and is a very hardy tree and loves the sun. The perfect tree for hot summers, just remember to keep the soil moist.
And finally a great choice for a weeping tree is the Prairie Cascade Weeping Willow
This is a great shade tree and has beautiful yellow leaves in the fall
At full maturity it can get up tp 35-45 Feet tall and have a spread between 35-45  Feet. This tree can adapt to almost any climate, and can withstand high winds. Just make sure you do not plant to close to your home as it has big roots.

There are so many awesome trees that would help keep you cool visit Art Knapp’s online at www.artknppkamoloops. They have a great variety of trees and plants.


Once you have your trees planted give us a call and we can take care of all your pruning needs and keep your trees looking great!
Let Look Out Landscaping keep your grass and trees healthy to help you combat the heat this summer!!
Get the Look YOU want!
I hope you enjoyed reading this